Substance Use Evaluations & Counseling

Abilene Recovery Council's services are a valuable resource for both employees and managers and can play an important role in your drug-free work place program. The Council's Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselors can assist in the identification and resolution of productivity problems associated with personal problems, such as alcohol and/or drug use. Counselors can provide substance use evaluations to determine an individual's need for additional services such as treatment, counseling, or other recovery support services. As an employer,you can design your Employee Assistance Program to fit the needs of your business and individual employees.

The Council also provides substance use evaluations in order to satisfy legal probation, driver's license, or other miscellaneous requirements when treatment is not being sought.

Available services include:

  • Substance Use Evaluation -$250 (Includes Substance Use Subtle Screening Inventory "SASSI")
  • Motivational Counseling Sessions (1 hour)- $75
  • Dept. of Transportation (DOT) Certified SAP Services - $400

  • Counselors will provide documentation of completion of services for clients to provide to their employers or attorney, along with a recommendation summary.
    ALL FEES ARE DUE IN FULL at the time of the appointment

    Call 325-673-2242, ext.1000 to schedule an appointment

    It is your responsibility to determine which of these services will satisfy the issue(s) you are attempting to resolve. If you aren't sure, check with your probation officer/employer/attorney, etc. to ensure that you obtain the appropriate service. All associated FEES ARE DUE IN FULL at the time of your appointment.

    Please note: If you are seeking substance use treatment or a referral to support services, the Council provides Outreach, Screening, Assessment, and Referral (OSAR) services.

    24 Hour Crisis Hotline (800) 621-8504

    For other resources on Mental Health, please visit

    Regional Resource Guide


    Alexander Building
    104 Pine Street, Suite 205
    Abilene, Texas 79601

    Oil & Gas Buidling
    813 8th Street, Suite 615
    Wichita Falls, Texas 76301